Who is the bloke behind Movement Therapy?

I am Eamon Bailie, an Accredited Exercise Scientist and Clinical Exercise Physiologist who works with people like you to change your lives to prevent and rehabilitate disease, injury and mental health. You have two choices in life:

1.      Be kept alive by medicine and have a shit quality of life, or

2.      REALLY LIVE until you are old and grey with an amazing quality of life.

I’m here to help you PICK DOOR NUMBER TWO 😊 I find a warm, friendly and honest rapport with my clients fosters the kind of relationship that gets the best results. And seeing as you are trusting me to help you through the challenges of your health journey, I thought I’d open up and share my own journey with you. So, grab yourself a beer...whoops...some hydrating H2O and settle in.


I had a lot of “WTF am I doing with my life?” moments before finding my true calling with the creation of Movement Therapy.

I was lucky enough to grow up in a large family of six with a brother and two sisters. We were surrounded by a community of young families and physical activity was a huge part of our childhood. We played tips, rode bikes, climbed trees and played sport in the park or on the streets. Roller hockey was a big thing in the 90s thanks to the Mighty Ducks and so was basketball and collecting NBA cards.

Growing up, my brother and I went through all the phases: BMX bikes, roller blades and skate boarding but the one constant was football (aka soccer). I progressed to playing representative football. I also ventured into rugby union and basketball —trying all sports to challenge myself and test my skills.

Despite getting the grades I needed, I was a Little Shit and always causing trouble. By the end of Year 10 I was told it would be best that I leave school. However, the best way to get me to accomplish something is to tell me I can’t do it. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do next—all that mattered was sticking it to ‘The Man’. I graduated from high school with an International Baccalaureate Diploma.

It's this exact attitude that will make a world of difference to my clients. I am not prepared to accept defeat when a client of mine is told they have to settle for a life made miserable by injury. If this is you, click here to book a session with me now!


I decided I wanted to become a pilot and my parents backed me to make this dream a reality. I went into college and was pumped for this new chapter. But a few months in my cousin who was one of my best friends passed away and my world was rocked. I received my commercial pilot’s license but I struggled to find a path into a full-time gig. I felt lost and after a night out for end of Rugby season drinks, I lost my license. This was the final trigger for what would become years of depression.

I found an escape from reality with binge drinking. I would often wake up crying and find myself tearing up at work for no reason. I would often feel that my life was meaningless and constantly felt lonely even in a full room of friends and family. This took hold of my life for four years.

Mental health and rehabilitation are intensely linked. Injury and pain can lead to a lack of movement and isolation which can lead to poor mental health. If you are already trapped in this cycle, I not only know what you are going through, I can help you break free. Click here to book a session with me now.


The support of my family and love of training kept me going and I began to research all things gym related and applied to go back to university. My world was changing and my happiness began to return. I immersed myself in the study of health science and the human body for the next four and a half years and completed two degrees whilst still working. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Exercise Science followed by a Master’s degree in Clinical Exercise Physiology. I still had my good days and bad days but excelled throughout both degrees.

I realised how many people’s lives could be completely transformed through disease and injury prevention and rehabilitation. It is now my mission to help you to live life and not just be alive.

I want to be remembered as someone who was proactive around healthcare and not reactive. I want to be the doctor of the future. This is not the end of my story; it is just the beginning.

Movement Therapy is here to empower and educate you, click here now so YOU CAN LIVE YOUR LIFE and STOP BEING A PASSENGER.


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