High Protein French Toast
180 g egg whites
2 slices bread
2 packets sweetener (if you like to taste)
2 g cinnamon
5 g vanilla extract
Cooking spray
60 ml low-calorie syrup (queens maple)
Greek yoghurt or yopro protein
Strawberries or fruit
1. In a bowl, add egg whites, sweetener, cinnamon, and vanilla extract. Whisk until spices are evenly distributed throughout the mixture.
2. Heat a pan over medium-low heat. Spray pan with cooking spray.
3. Dip bread slices into egg white mixture, and transfer to pan.
4. Spoon any leftover egg white mixture onto the bread in the pan. If done slowly, the
bread should absorb the mixture and get fluffy.
5. Let cook for about 3-4 minutes on each side.
6. Remove French Toast from the pan and serve on a plate with toppings.